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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thing 19 Web 2.0 Awards List

What is special about thing? Lulu is my thing of choice for top award winners re: Books it is 1st place under title "Books" in awards list. Thus, I chose it to explore and blog about. It's special because it is number 1! It can instantly publish books once they have gone thru the process vs. waiting for printing, distribution, etc... as the author can submit their books online.
What are its useful parts especially to school and the library? Year books can be done with this website for your school. This also will be handled online upload pics, select bindings, formats and more, then select your own pricing, then lulu will handle the bookorders and sent your school the proceeds. I don't know what all is involved but it appears you and your students can publish books on this site. Thus, become authors at school or for homework? I am not sure what would happen with royalties though... legally this might become an issue.

How use personally ? Shopping for books, book orders, blogs keeping up with the book publishing and distribution industry. I am hoping since they do things such as cookbooks, calendars, yearbooks, this would end up on our schools vendor list as they are able to keep costs downn and deliver and it appears expedite the process removing delays, et...

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